Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Take me out to the ballgame..." Derek Jeter

Well yes I do have a little baseball in my heart too as I grew up in a family of non-professional baseball players. My dad played softball and baseball in Puerto Rico and after moving to the United States he continued playing. And of course we followed professional baseball on television.

Undecided indeed...

As I was born and raised in the north I grew up rooting for the New York Yankees but never witnessed a game at the Bronx bombers stadium. But then that changed after moving to Tampa, Fla. about 20 years ago. I didn't make it to either the old or new Yankee Stadium but have made it across the bay to St. Petersburg Tropicana Field  to watch our second rooting baseball team away from home - the Tampa Bay Rays. No not traitors at all, just supporting our local baseball team.


It being Derek Jeter's so-called retirement from baseball and baseball 2014 season coming to a quick end we decided to attend the second to last game - Rays vs Yankees, the Rays tribute to the legend #2 Yankee baseball player Derek Jeter. We sat among Yankee and Ray fans, I would say the stadium was rooting half and half - half of the fans were for the Yankees and the other half for Rays, yes the Tampa Bay Rays. Since it was Jeter's tribute of course all eyes were on NY's #2.

But whoever was to win that night, I made it out to the ballgame for a Yankee game against the Rays, had an awesome time and rooted for...

Lets go YanRays!
 Photo credits Dori - for reuse of photos contact Dori