Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Las Gorditas Poderosas - Full Figure Power

Y quien dice que las gorditas no tienen poder. Sabemos que algunas tenemos curvas peligrosas con un poco más de peso en un lugar que en otro(s) pero no debemos acomplejarnos si no llevarlo más allá de lo que podemos, claro con buen gusto.

Yo misma a veces me acomplejo y me frustro en no poder encontrar pantalones que me queden bien ya que tengo mas cadera que cintura. Me mido 20 pantalones sin suerte ya que muchas veces la cintura me baila o sea esta muy ancha. Rara la vez que se pueda ajustar en la cintura por lo menos un par para mi (mi mama es una experta en eso).

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Vidal Sassoon to the rescue

I come from a family that we stock up, well actually mom. I normally stock up on hair products when I find bargains until I ran out of hairspray, oh no! The last can I bought was $1 for an 8 oz. can which I couldn't remember where it was purchased nor found it after shopping around. Unbelievable the price of hairspray now umf! I looked in several places at home and found a bottle of Pantene Hairspray. Pantene to my rescue for now.

While shopping at CVS, I swiped my CVS Extra Care card to see what coupons the machine would print out. Aha save $2 off of $10 hair product purchase. After checking and comparing hairspray prices, I found my lifesaver. The best deal was Vidal Sassoon 14 oz. can on sale - 2 for $8 with $2 coupon attached to each product.

Total purchase for 3 cans of hairspray $12.84 

After all applicable discounts final purchase total $4.84 about $1.61 for a 14 oz. can of hairspray.

BTW I went back today for more Vidal Sassoon hair products.

What is your hair product bargain(s)? Do you use coupons?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Welcome - Bienvenidos

This is it time to move on, actually add some more pizzaz to my world. I will write here whatever comes to my mind that will be of interest, beneficial either in English and or Spanish. Therefore, I hope you will join me - read, share, comment, suggest.

Stay tuned for more on Dori's World...

Ya llego el tiempo para seguir adelante, añadir un poco de sazón a mi mundo. Aquí voy escribir lo que se me venga a la mente que sea de interés, beneficioso sea en ingles o español. Así espero que me acompañe - lea, comparta, comente o sugerir.

Estén atentos para más en El Mundo de Dori...